Kali Skatchke

stage & screen actor - writer - improviser

Hi there!

My name is Kali Skatchke (she/her), and I am a Chicago-based stage and screen actor and improviser represented by Shirley Hamilton Talent. I graduated from Northwestern University where I completed my degree in Theater with a certificate in Acting for the Screen and a minor in Business Institutions. 

Chicago born and bred, I am a city girl with a passionate love for the Cubs and a constant hankering for pizza (thin-crust, square-cut). I care deeply about storytelling in all its forms--from movies to dance to songs to standup to oral storytelling to paintings to novels to photographs. Some of my other interests include food, Astrology (Aquarius sun, Cancer moon, Libra rising 💅🏻), walking everywhere, and karaoke-ing the night away. 

Check out the News section to see what I've been up to lately!